Monday, January 5, 2009

new mexico to colorado to south dakota to minneapolis to portland to california to new mexico to minneapolis to new jersey to virginia


Wild Aurora Moldovanyi said...

why do people always want to pick up the goats?

i know you have know idea what it is like to sit in a cube, and don't comprehend my boredom. for a time today i am exhibiting my professional procrastination prowess... see today's blogpost and play along with "meme". the directions are as follows: open a document or photo folder and choose the fourth folder and then the fourth photo in that folder. next, post the photo with a description about it and then tag 4 friends to do the same.

miss you materhead!

Koby JH said...

Thank you Snow for pointing me in the direction of this wonderful blog. I realize that you do communicate often, in many different and unique ways. Maybe I need to listen with more than my ears! A kiss on your hand...